
Border businesses. It's funny how next to state lines, you'll always find businesses that specialize in products that are difficult or impossible to obtain on the other side. For example, in Portland, Oregon, where there is no sales tax, large shopping complexes are set up just across the river from neighboring Washington State, whose sales tax is close to 8%. Washingtonians come across in droves to avoid paying sales taxes-- especially on large purchases. This border business in South Carolina has more relaxed liquor and fireworks laws than neighboring Georgia.

Border businesses. It’s funny how next to state lines, you’ll always find businesses that specialize in products that are difficult or impossible to obtain on the other side. For example, in Portland, Oregon, where there is no sales tax, large shopping complexes are set up just across the river from neighboring Washington State, whose sales tax is close to 8%. Washingtonians come across in droves to avoid paying sales taxes– especially on large purchases. This border business in South Carolina has more relaxed liquor and fireworks laws than neighboring Georgia.

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