Lending a Hand in MaryLand!!

Henry presents me with some food for the road, from Maryland's Potomac Adventist Book & Health Food Store. Thanks Guys!!! Of the many diverse religious experiences I've participated in across the miles, without a doubt I must say that the Adventists have an absolutely superior diet compared to all other Christian churches I've attended.

Henry presents me with some food for the road, from Maryland’s Potomac Adventist Book & Health Food Store. Thanks Guys!!!
Of the many diverse religious experiences I’ve participated in across the miles, without a doubt I must say that the Adventists have an absolutely superior diet compared to all other Christian churches I’ve attended.


Host Anupam creates magic in the kitchen :)


Fork, spoon and knife have been the eating tools I’ve used for as long as I can remember. Though I’ve used chopsticks many times, I’ve never felt quite so comfortable with them. Tonight, however, a new and unexpected twist came along: eating rice, sauces, toppings, yogurt, etcetera with the raw hands, as natives of India eat. Hosts Anupam and Rohit, grad students at the University of Maryland’s College Park campus, actually put silverware next to my plate for me to use. However, as I saw them comfortably digging in with the right hand, skillfully shoveling loads of tasty Indian cuisine from plate to mouth, I couldn’t help but join them– especially since I felt a bit out-of-place being in such an environment for the first time.
Surprisingly, channeling a variety of running food types from plate to mouth was harder than I thought. Just grabbing a pile from the plate (caveman style) and shoving into the mouth makes one look and feel fresh from the abyss. They showed me how to skillfully scoop and grab with the first three fingers, and use the thumb to cleanly shovel it all into the mouth. (Fun stuff!!)
Anupam and Rohit are not only hosting me, they’ve invited me to a pair of out-of-this-universe, home-cooked Indian meals that Anupam has made. (WOW!!!) I’ve enjoyed many a meal in Indian restaurants, but I don’t know that I’ve ever enjoyed Indian food as delicious as Anupam’s…
The whole experienced unexpectedly brought “finger-licking good” to a whole new level!!!