Spending Time with America’s Fire Fighting Heroes!

A fascinatingly new chapter of the Walk has opened– where I’m staying with and learning about fire stations. I’ve stayed back-to-back nights with 2 fire stations, as I’ve finished up my thousand miles of Texas. They’re totally awesome guys– real American heroes– and learning more about who they are and what they do paves the way for greater appreciation for the countless contributions firefighters make to society. Smiling for the camera is Travis, of Orange, Texas’ Fire Station #3. I rode along with the crew twice last night– first to a freeway vehicle wreck where the driver was trapped, and next to a call for a structure fire. Pretty exciting to ride in the back of that big red firetruck (”engine”)– and worth losing the sleep after an exhausting 17-mile day through mosquitoes and dangerous bridges… Regarding the departure to the structure fire, see this 30-second VIDEO.
